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22 February 2012

02.22.2012 The trip to Cambodia and North Vietnam went so fast! I came back to France, with images and memories in the suitcases. Everything is still to be done to offer you as soon as possible the portraits and textiles stories that I have captured over there. Be patient to see it all on the World Textiles & Artisans website!

Meanwhile, I must speak about the latest news: Tissus & Artisans du Monde calls for participatory philanthropy. It’s very simple, let me explain: Kiss Kiss Bank Bank supports numerous cultural projects, it is a well-known and secure platform for fundraising. It will last 30 days and if it is successful, which I hope, this will allow me to fund the future trips to South America and Africa, to continue to feed this evolutive and interactive documentary. I count on you!

To participate or share the info: